1. Arduino Assisted Xylophone Player (People’s Choice Award)
    2. HS-Force – The League of Hackers and Scientists United (Design Award)
    3. BBW: Gen Alpha and Beyond (Food Hacking Award)
    4. Legion
    5. No Slouching Sloths
    6. Critter Vision (Purrfect Award)
    7. DIY Ovarian Health Tracker (Best In Show Award)
    8. Silly Autonomous Cars (Public Safety Award)
    9. Rube Goldberg (Education On A Budget Award)
    10. 23symphony (Harmony Award)
    11. Avo-got-go (Californian Award)
    12. Science Vision
    13. Vision-Walk (Accessibility Award)
    14. Biofeedback or biotherapy (Null Result Award)
    15. Emolingo (Feelings Award)
    16. Freedom of Decision-making
    17. Geology Explorer (Best Use Of Data Award)
    18. Livestream Earth (Best Hardware Award)
    19. Skate Trick Master (Practice Makes Perfect Award)
    20. Biodiversity thermometer

Arduino Assisted Xylophone Player

Creators: Gilles de Bordeaux
Virginie de Bordeaux

Build a robotic music machine that plays xylophone, drinking glasses, or drums, to help solo singers and instrument players. Make it Open Source (HW + SW).

APIs, data and tools used: Arduino IDE
Adafruit 16 servo driver board,
4 small servos
2 chopsticks

Screenshots, photos and videos:

Hack URL: https://github.com/GillesdeB/Xylophone

HS-Force – The League of Hackers and Scientists United

Creators: Julia Bossmann
Raymond Wu
Danny Wong
Valentina Borghesani

Wouldn’t it be nice if the feelings of ScienceHack Day could last 24/7, 365 days a year? Scientists in need of technical expertise connecting with skilled hackers. We built a platform for the ultimate League of Scientific Superpowers! Hackers can sign up declaring their willingness to work on a particular aspect of a scientific project. Similarly, scientists can express the need to receive help and start a collaboration. Our queryable database of superpowers and amazing science projects is already online!

APIs, data and tools used: Google Form, Google Sheets, Google Drive, Awesome-table.com, Photoshop, Slack

Screenshots, photos and videos: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vkNijGufQmELbgLRcHPxpiRA-yPOS0FWofqlW0phGos/edit

Hack URL: https://sites.google.com/view/hackers-x-scientists

BBW: Gen Alpha and Beyond

Creators: Winnie Liang
Trevor McQueen

Designed a prototype for baby bottle warmers that can circulate the fluid in a more efficient manner by increasing the surface area to volume ratio that is exposed to heat, thus facilitating consistent and fast warming of the fluid without destroying its nutritional content. One of the key features of our prototype is ease of use, which is especially important for parents waking up in the middle of the night with a hungry crying baby. Furthermore, compared to the current bottle warmers available in the market which either require ten minutes to fully warm up or provide local hot spots, this prototype theoretically can warm up milk in as less as two minutes with an uniform temperature all throughout.

APIs, data and tools used:

Screenshots, photos and videos:

Hack URL:


Creators: Linda Xia
Odom Ouk
Brandon Wong

The goal of our hack was to be able to interact with inanimate objects that had personalities using voice recognition. We re-purposed software used with Amazon’s Alexa to recognize certain phrases and respond appropriately.

APIs, data and tools used: Raspberry Pi
Alexa Audio Voice Service (AVS)
Personal Equipment (cables, laptop, speakers, etc.)

Screenshots, photos and videos:

Hack URL:

No Slouching Sloths

Creators: Jeremy Wong
Lee McGirr
Riccardo Guidi

A fun awareness campaign to raise awareness of phone use and chronic neck pain

APIs, data and tools used:

Screenshots, photos and videos: http://www.craftbyzen.com/assets/images/sloths-first-draft.jpg

Hack URL: http://www.craftbyzen.com/projects/no-slouching-sloths

Critter Vision

Creators: Natalie Downe
Simon Willison

#CougarOrNot is a Twitter game where people are challenged to say if a photo is a cougar or not. We used machine learning to train a computer vision model against photos from iNaturalist and hooked that up to a Twitter bot that plays the game.

APIs, data and tools used: https://github.com/fastai/fastai

Screenshots, photos and videos: https://twitter.com/critter_vision

Hack URL: https://twitter.com/critter_vision

DIY Ovarian Health Tracker

Creators: Marianna Johnson
Ruby Chen

What if you could measure your hormones at home?

Right now, the only way to measure ovarian hormones is through doctor visits or expensive at-home tests. But turns out your body can measure ovarian hormones for you. Certain cells in your body change shape based on exposure to ovarian hormones (estrogen and progesterone).

We developed a cheap, reusable bioassay to dynamically measure circulating ovarian hormones by imaging these cells.

This product has a number of applications including learning your personal: ovarian health and ovulation, risk for certain hormone-related diseases, and interaction of behavior and hormones.

APIs, data and tools used: none

Screenshots, photos and videos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/7FgC75tF8CjekXaN8

Hack URL: http://diyovarianhealthtracker.pagedemo.co/

Silly Autonomous Cars

Creators: Jeff Catania
Joanna Ma
Cherry Yiu
Harshita Arora
Heidi Narasaki
Peter Sou
Seth Cordts
Trevor Johnston
Daisy Yiu

Autonomous RC-cars programmed for silly behavior!

APIs, data and tools used: iOS App (Swift + CoreML)
Python (Flask + Requests)
RC Car (Hacked RC Car + Arduino + Particle)

Screenshots, photos and videos: https://imgur.com/a/XJEB4tn

Hack URL: https://github.com/jeffcatania/silly-autonomous-cars

Rube Goldberg

Creators: Todd Albert, Amy Koch, Heather Cook

We built a Rube Goldberg machine with a bloody Halloween twist! This is a designed to perform a simple task in an indirect and overcomplicated fashion. It was really difficult, but really fun! 10 hours of work for 10 seconds of action!

APIs, data and tools used:

Screenshots, photos and videos: https://youtu.be/LDdQ6_JNtB4

Hack URL:


Creators: Steve Osazuwa
Raul Monraz
Christina Shevchenko
Andrew Grosser
Jeremy Fisher
Fatin Noor
Claudio Opazo

We turn your DNA into music. We take 23andme Raw data and put it through our script that turns in into music, depending on your psychogenetic traits

APIs, data and tools used: python, 23andMe raw data, gibber, p5.js javascript

Screenshots, photos and videos: https://www.dropbox.com/s/36jxeutm9xzwwov/screen1.png?dl=0

Hack URL: https://bit.ly/2PpHSRX


Creators: Scott Mobley
Robert Chen
Leslie Morales
Benjamin Kwok

An experiment to test a few chemical compounds to see which ones would delay avocado oxidization or browning the best–important info for when you want to take avocados on the go.

APIs, data and tools used:

Screenshots, photos and videos: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1-kuIzjHFgsCIGa-YmKLvjRxVupgZIu7VTJXhDwg1UGg/edit?usp=sharing

Hack URL:

Science Vision

Creators: Suyash Joshi
Khanh Nguyen

A proof of concept for an iOS application powered by AI and Computer Vision. This app enables students to take pictures of any science or math concepts and learn more about it in a fun, interesting way.

APIs, data and tools used: Swift iOS Application
Google Computer Vision Cloud API

Screenshots, photos and videos: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JqjXkaG1qvC4qVvN0T7b99-lFPlIxQwOS8mhWlpGOlQ/edit?usp=sharing

Hack URL:


Creators: Usama Puri, Arnav Hazra, Jatin Kansal, Batsal Ghimire, Lisa Ballard

We built an obstacle detection system for the visually impaired. It is connected to ultrasonic sensors and has has an in-built alarm system which will sound an alarm with distance-variable intensity and periodicity. The parameters can be calibrated as desired. Potential scalability can include haptic sensors attached to the body for better spatial awareness (we were not able to implement it due to a lack of time).

APIs, data and tools used: Arduino UNO, Ultrasonic Sensor, A shoe, Cardboard paper, an alarm

Screenshots, photos and videos: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/100FiOxWTHgeZgbAIIuCiXIYBk0TDSrAo?usp=sharing

Hack URL:

Biofeedback or biotherapy

Creators: Jonathan Toomim

Biofeedback is a process by which a biophysical parameter of a person’s body is measured and feedback is given to that person to teach them how to control their own body. We examined HEG biofeedback, a process in which people learn control over their cerebral blood oxygenation. The question we asked was whether people learn how to control their blood oxygenation solely by getting feedback from the brain blood oxygenation measurement system, or whether detailed instructions of which mental state they should try to enter helped with the process.

APIs, data and tools used:

Screenshots, photos and videos:

Hack URL:


Creators: Mingjing Huang
Marat Nepomnyashy
Andrew Fittingoff
Mingzhu He
Heather Cook
Gabriel Larson Santos

An online app that will help people identify and communicate about feelings.

APIs, data and tools used: 11 Episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation
Design Thinking Ideation Process
Node JS
Windows Photo App

Screenshots, photos and videos: https://emolingo.github.io

Hack URL: https://emolingo.github.io

Freedom of Decision-making

Creators: Siddhartha Datta

We learnt that your brain makes decisions about 200 milliseconds before you consciously decide to make a decision, and you are most likely to sway from it about 50 milliseconds before the decision.
We extrapolated a decision-making distribution of probability of sticking with an initial decision along time before conscious decision.
We used the distribution to run a Monte Carlo simulation of the AIDS epidemic, to see what would be the global outcome if people “thought twice” about fornication.

We have gambling intracranial ECoG readings – translation: epilepsy patients had electrodes stuck in their brains, and we asked them to show them a number, and if they think they can gamble to get a higher number and win money, they gamble, else they do not. We have 10 subjects with 200 trials each, with time series data of 5-69 electrodes.

Filtering upon median-level bets (i.e. remove forced/obvious choices), we trained a logistic regression to predict gamble or not-gamble, and used readings at different time-points to train, and plotted accuracy out. At 200ms before the decision is made, individuals are 70-80% likely to stick with the decision; at 50ms before, individuals are 30-40% likely to stick with the decision.

We extracted this probability distribution (likelihood to stick with decision vs time before conscious decision).

To apply the distribution, we considered the AIDS epidemic as a use case. CDC statistics show that about 22.9% of HIV transmission occurs via [heterosexual] fornication. As the disease is filtered to propagate via sexual transmission, the only probabilistic variable is likelihood to sway from decision.

To simulate this, we built a Monte Carlo simulation that propagates the AIDS epidemic from 1990 to 2016. We take the initial nodes at 1990; for each instance of sexual opportunity (assumed to randomly range from 52 weeks to 12 months per year), right before the decision is made, the user is given a 200 milliseconds counter, and during the counter the script runs coinflips to measure probability of continuing with the decision, and if the mean probability is to continue with the decision with significance level 1%, then fornication occurs and a new infected node is generated. Once a year is completed, the row is recorded. Given historical data on HIV infections and deaths, we were able to periodically remove dead nodes. This entire model resembles an SIR model (Susceptible, Infected, Removed).

The results are displayed via geographical visualization of each region and its AIDS count in terms of individuals, and how it changes over time.

APIs, data and tools used: Tableau, Monte Carlo, Sklearn, pytorch, python (pandas, numpy), SIR model, UCB research paper

Screenshots, photos and videos: https://public.tableau.com/profile/sidd4881#!/vizhome/viz_25/Story1

Hack URL: https://public.tableau.com/profile/sidd4881#!/vizhome/viz_25/Story1

Geology Explorer

Creators: Esme Neal
John Ellis

A web app that lets you see what’s going on in the ground beneath your feet, wherever you may be. this app is fun to learn about your local geology for education, rock hunting, and understanding the structural integrity of the ground beneath your feet.

APIs, data and tools used: Sketch
GGS Borehole Data

Screenshots, photos and videos: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GQ-HwGEE1uFf-yQ1SyTbtPtFsVk09m2X/view?usp=sharing

Hack URL:

Livestream Earth

Creators: Chris Ragsdale
Sasha Bajzek
Aaron White
Nikola Vukovic
Chris Swanson
Lee Mcgirr
Andrew Cantino
Michael Eickenberg

Build a ~1m radio dish that will receive data from the GOES-16 weather satellite. GOES 16 is an NOAA satellite in geosynchronous orbit (stationary from the perspective of someone on Earth) that sends down a constant stream of high quality images of the Earth, as well as images of the Sun, and some other instruments. To receive the signal, we constructed a dish with a wire mesh and machined aluminum support structure. Afterwards we ran the signal through a filter and amplifier, to scan and decode the data. We were able to build the dish! ..but couldn’t find the signal.

APIs, data and tools used:

Screenshots, photos and videos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u3l9zg2mdgbxdxl/AABaA7zvVeitWEL2luVLha1Ea?dl=0

Hack URL:

Skate Trick Master

Creators: Brent Townshend, Paul Mans, David Crawford, Leo Alekseyev

Record a video of yourself performing a skate trick, with an accelerometer on your skateboard. Then view your trick video, playing in sync with a skate trick master doing the same trick. Scrub back and forth to see what your board is doing at the same part of the trick as the master’s board. Also see a 3d model of a skateboard showing the position in the air as you move through the trick.

APIs, data and tools used: Skateboard
Bluetooth radio
iOS app to receive

Screenshots, photos and videos:

Hack URL:

Biodiversity thermometer

Creators: Tay Solis
Jennifer Kim
Savanna Nilsen

We created a colorful way to display the biodiversity of ants in US states. When a state is selected, lights display how many species of ants are native to that state. A single red light represents a range of 100-150 ant species. Orange is 151-200 ant species, yellow is 201-250, green is 251-200, and blue is the highest number of species at 301-350. For future directions, we hope that this device can be developed further so that it can query any species in any location. It will be useful for science enthusiasts to assess biodiversity wherever they are!

APIs, data and tools used: Photon microcontroller with RGB lights and resistors
Antmaps.org overall species richness in data view http://antmaps.org/?

Screenshots, photos and videos: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8hjDHjzWBwJZlBqQi10d0ZTSkRjQzhWZWtwaXpwR0ItNXdV/view?usp=sharing

Hack URL: https://github.com/tay-solis/photon-bug